Video & Telemedicine

We’re going digital!….well kinda.
The Alberta physician governing body (CPSA) has recommended that as far as possible we employ available video/tele-conferencing technology to minimize exposure to public and clinic staff.
If your condition doesn’t necessarily require a physical exam please request a video/tele-medicine consult with your Shale Physician.
Common teleconference reasons:
- Refills
- Follow up on chronic conditions
- Counselling/Mental Health
- Results etc
- ……note: during your tele-medicine appointment, if your physician determines you need a physical exam you will be provided a priority appointment to attend in-person.
To facilitate this we are ramping up deployment of our online patient portal. (What is a patient portal – Link Here)
REGISTER for an account now:
Include your Alberta Health Care Insurance number and phone number in your e-mail and we will call you back to register your account.
We will continue to remain open at the clinic throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Link to CPSA advice to physicians: