New Patients

Book online or call us directly at (+1) 780-898-4628

New Patient Registration

New patient registration is currently closed. Patients WITHOUT a family doctor can still book Same Day appointments and book with Any Available Doctor using the online booking.

Registration Process

  1. Schedule a “Meet and Greet” appointment with a family physician who is accepting new patients. (Please note we have no-show fee policy)
  2. Complete the New Patient Intake questionnaire – this will be emailed after appointment booking.
  3. Bring copy of ID, Health Care Card, Health History (if available) and Medications with you to your appointment.
  4. Meet with the physician and discuss your health needs. At the end of this appointment both you and the physician will determine if you wish to proceed.
  5. Complete your patient registration with the receptionist, thereafter you will be able to book online, in-person or via the telephone.
  6. After your appointment, if required, you will need to sign authorization to transfer your medical records from your previous physician. (Your previous physician/clinic may charge a fee for this service).


New patients to the clinic will need to book online or call us on 780-898-4628 to book an appointment.

Once you are registered as a patient you will be able to use the online portal account to manage appointments and messages.

Registration Status

Current status of the clinic/physicians accepting new patients.

Regretfully, we are currently CLOSED for new patient registrations.

We will update this status from time to time, please check back periodically.

Due to extremely high demand for family physician services, our physicians may close new patient registrations for periods of time to ensure service continuity to current clients.

Our same day clinic remains open to the community should you require urgent care/assistance.

Where else can I find a list of physicians accepting new patients?

For patients seeking care in other clinics or towns, the following resources may be helpful to you.

Drayton Valley PCN maintains a list of medical services and physicians located in Drayton Valley and surrounds.

The CPSA provides a searchable database of all physicians in the province of Alberta.